ROI vs. Losses: The choice is yours!

Imagine in 3.5 years after the lighting reequipment you will manage to reduce costs by 63 thousand UAH per year. It’s absolutely real! And in this article, you will learn how to do it.
In October 2016, SEF – International Forum of Sustainable Energy was held in Kyiv. A lot of issues, regarding energy efficiency and possible ways of energy saving, were discussed by the experts. EKTA’s specialists gave a talk on additional, unobvious, and commonly overlooked by the potential customer, ways of cost reduction. The report places greater focus on the importance of the design approach as well as on the flexibility of solutions while executing the LED lighting project.
Quality of street lighting – a key to your safety

In September 2016 Conference LED Progress, devoted to the top current LED market trends, was held in Kyiv. At a meeting of experts, the most important aspects of lighting production were raised. EKTA Company put emphasis on the importance of the integrated approach to ensure a standard quality of utilitarian outdoor LED lighting in the absence of well-targeted tendering procedure.
Project-based approach – a tool to ensure the quality of street lighting
Today, provision of lighting quality - is first and foremost the safety of people and vehicles’ movement on the roads. Experience in the implementation of the various projects on streets and highways’ lightening allows us to state with certainty that the issue of quality lighting provision cannot be solved by simple replacing of outdated, inefficient luminaires with new ones.
Smart environment: does LED technology conquer the market?

Nowadays, many companies worldwide had already equipped their boardrooms, conference halls and meeting rooms with LCD panels to make work process more comfortable. It has become a common thing, and a “must have”. Nevertheless, LED technology is continuing to conquer this segment stake by stake. So what is it that LED technology brings to replace standard LCD panels?
Let`s take a look at MEA Region – one of the fastest growing markets in the world and ask AV Distributor in the Middle East & Africa – Granteq – to share their professional opinion.
16 questions to ask while choosing an LED screen
EKTA LED screens: professional opinion
Do you want to make a reasonable choice while buying an expensive screen, but need an expert opinion? In order to take into account all aspects be sure to ask manufacturers and suppliers the following questions.
1. What is the maximum calibrated brightness of the screen you propose?
The maximum calibrated brightness of a high quality screen for outdoor use should be at least 5,500 NIT. This index ensures good visibility even under direct sunlight. It is worth noting, that in case of a screen’s lower brightness and maximum intensity of sunlight, the image on the screen is simply not visible.
In the LED market it is easy encounter suppliers and dealers of Chinese screens who intentionally indicate a significantly higher brightness of their products. Moreover, some of them do not take into account the calibration procedure that reduces the overall brightness of the screen. EKTA is ready to confirm the characteristics of the screen brightness to their customers in the certified testing laboratory.
How about controlling an LED solution with one device?

The control systems for LED video walls has been one of EKTA`s top directions of development for the last five years. The video processors series ERMAC was first presented to a wide range of professionals at the international exhibition Integrated Systems Europe 2011. But from year to year, the number of screens involved in projects was rapidly increasing and required new management solutions. So in response to market trends, EKTA has created new generations of video processors with a wide range of possibilities.
Everything we can do in our control systems, we can do in real-time. And we have one of the biggest advantages on the market right now it calls calibration technology for LED walls. What is it all about?
Trends ISE 2015

At ISE 2015 in comparison with the previous year there were less small Chinese manufacturers. In turn, China's large companies have retained their positions
The exhibition occupied all the pavilions, booths were even in places where they never existed. This means that the market is saturated with players, and, of course, the competition is quite high. With the current level of ISE, three days to gather information and get around all elementary stands was not enough. It was felt that the visitors were in a hurry; they do not have time for a peaceful dialogue and a close acquaintance with the product. That is why next year it is planned to extend the exhibition for one day.
EKTA at a modern AV-technology exhibition

EKTA returned from Amsterdam inspired by new ideas.
Integrated Systems Europe - one of the key events in the field of audiovisual technologies, which reflects the situation on the world market and the AV-allows to predict tendencies.
With each passing year the exhibition volumes grow. For example, this year in the twelve halls of Amsterdam RAI was presented more than 1000 new products. The event was visited by more than 500 journalists from professional editions; total attendance exceeded 50 thousand people. Exhibition organizers reported that in 2016, due to the increased number of exhibitors, the exhibition will be extended to four days, instead of the traditional three.