Dieses Projekt hilft bei der Realisierung Ihrer Ideen im visuellen Bereich
Wie funktioniert es?

Initial idea

Technical development

Project completion

Unique result
Die IdeaLAB Geschichte
"Heutzutage suchen Firmen neue Wege um mit Ihren Kunden zu interagieren. Für EKTA besteht der Anspruch darin, Lösungen zu kreieren, die über das Mögliche hinaus gehen. Das Wissen und die Erfahrung von EKTA im Bereich der LED-Technologie, ebenso wie die wachsenden kundenseitigen Anforderungen um Zuge des Entwicklungsprozesses, erlauben uns ein wahrlich originelles Produkt zu kreieren.“
EKTA sales director
Learn more about IdeaLAB
IdeaLAB - EKTA project aimed at the realization of any idea in the field of visualization. It is a laboratory of innovation and "know-how", in which experts of the company find ways to implement complex projects. EKTA undertakes what others consider impossible. Cooperation with us enables you to get more than you thought, and different from others.
IdeaLAB - is a creative approach to work. We are looking for innovative and dynamic ways of customer ideas realization, by mixing the various components, systems, and methods. For the best result, EKTA team uses elements from various fields. We can say that IdeaLAB - is a kind of hi-tech creativity symbiosis of high technology and art, architecture and design, where there are no restrictions, except for the imagination.
Years of engineering research and development experience in the AV technologies allow EKTA professionals to solve daunting tasks. There is a wide range of innovative solutions and innovative products in our arsenal. One of them - a multipurpose control system ERMAC. Video processor ensures the customer complete real-time control over image parameters. ERMAC – a breakthrough in the field of LED-technology management. The uniqueness of ERMAC lies in the fact that it allows you to manage simultaneously a complex of 32 screens of different models and configurations, that increase manyfold the capabilities of other devices on the market. Numerous advantages and distinctive features of ERMAC help to make your ideas real.
ERMAC Family consists of 3 products: ERMAC, ERMAC Plus, ERMAC Ultra. In combination with EKTA LED displays, each of the represented control systems allows you to create custom designs.
Implemented ideas within IdeaLAB
An LED video wall by itself is just a black square. In the capable hands, LED displays become not just a means of reflection but an art object. The EKTA team is behind the creation of many unique installations. WOW, the result provides by the use of creative content, unusual forms, moving elements, daring design solutions, and broad functionality.
- Flat LED displays Presentation of the BMW 2013, Music Fair 2013, Digital signage UA 2013 conference
- Original content 3D-TV (entered in the Guinness Book of Records), the exhibition REX 2011, SEC “Ocean Plaza”
- Unusual shape of constructions International exhibitions: Heavent 2012, ISE 2011, ISE 2013 Heavent 2011, ISE 2010, ISE 2014, ISE 2012, SIA 2013, ISE (Holland Entrance) 2013, Prolight & Sound 2013 REX 2011)
- Moving element ISE 2012, Ukrainian Hospitality Awards 2013
- Scene design Concerts: 20 years of Ukraine's independence in 2011, YUNA 2013, Ani Lorak, the X-factor Ukraine show, Michael Poplavskiy
- Multifunction Installation SEC “Ocean Plaza”, cube at Kiev Palace of Sports, the clock on the House of Trade Unions